
Where has the week gone?

I had every intention of posting daily on here, but the week has just gotten away from me. I’ve been busy with work and kids  and the dog, and this blog has taken a back burner. 

I have started knitting a little something for a friends baby…

I’m really, really trying to use up my big box of wool (the blanket is definitely helping) but these balls of wool I have had for years and they are perfect for this little bunny. 

The pattern is from a very old Prima Makes magazine. But it is a Debbie Bliss pattern, so is very easy to follow. 

Hopefully I’ll get this finished by the weekend, so I can get some more sewing done. 

Susie x

Monday Mojo

Today resulted in an early finish at work, so I had an afternoon of sewing. Lovely. 

I have had four jean trouser legs sitting in my stash drawer. In order to save money on holiday shopping a couple of years ago, I converted two pairs of DOH (Darling other Half)’s jeans into shorts and have had the legs standing by ever since. Pun unintended!

In a bid to declutter and use my stash up to free creative space in my brain, I finally decided to use said trouser legs to make a patchwork sewing machine cover. 

Squares cut out and arranged

Patches sewn in stripsand voilà! The finished cover! I’m quite pleased with it. Let me know your thoughts? On the other side there was a large area of denim that looked a bit bare, so I decided to appliqué a letter S in the pink…

Not my neatest stitching, and it’s a bit scrappy, but that’s how I like things. Once it’s ironed, it’ll look much neater. 

I believe I said I should share a few pics of my granny square blanket and the scarf I finished, so here goes:

A bit of this and that.

This weekend has been both relaxing and stressful, calm and chaotic, messy and organised.

Yesterday I got a lot of household jobs done, and boiled a white summer dress that has turned a little yellow (middle picture). It’s an old-fashioned way to clean it, but sometimes the oldies are the best and now it is gleaming white.

Last night we watched the incredible Foo Fighters at Glastonbury. What an amazing performance, it has reinvigorated my love for them, and would happily listen to them all day today. I actually saw them at V Festival in what seems like a different lifetime (before children, costly household bills and virtual marriage).

Today has involved much of the same chaos and calm. My Daughter had a friend to stay last night, so have been cleaning up all of her mess this morning, and listening to as much of the Foos as my family will let me. As it turns out, not much. But, we did educate our children on some of our favourite 90s music.

I also made a doorstop (left picture) from a kit that was free from a magazine years ago. I think it works?

The picture on the right shows my box(es) of craft stuff that I haven’t got around to organising yet. I will post some pictures of my other projects (the 2nd crochet blanket, and the finished scarf I started last week) tomorrow.

I was planning on adjusting this page neatening up the widgets (what are they?!) but the time has gotten away from me today. But I guess that’s what Sundays are all about..wasting time, making time, and enjoying it.

Thanks for reading

Susie x


I just received a notification that yesterday was the hottest June day in 41 years. Insane. 

A dip in the kids’ paddling pool was certainly needed after working outside for 4 hours. I don’t think I’ve said before, but I’m a Postie (or post lady, but I don’t like that term for some reason. Just doesn’t sound right). So for 2/3 hours in the morning I am indoors, sorting the mail for my round, and then for 3/4 (sometimes 5) I am outside. On a normal days work, I sweat buckets, but yesterday it felt more like swimming pools! 

Enough! I MUST stop moaning about weather!! My knitting is coming along nicely. I have incorporated a hole to thread the other end through, so it will stay put. 

I forgot to finish this yesterday, oops! 

Will try and remember to post some pictures later. 

Bye for now folks 


Summer Breeze

It’s too hot again. I’m not a heat lover. I don’t mind if I’m next to a pool, or the sea, but being in the middle of the country there’s not much chance of that! 

But I could sit and moan about this all day long, but I will try not to. There is the loveliest breeze coming through the windows right now, it’s helping me forget the sweatiness of my day.