The Day After the Wedding

So today has mainly involved returning/coming down from the wedding. We are all very tired, but happy because it was such a fantastic day, or two days I should say. The children were amazing in their roles as flower girl and ring bearer. So proud of them. I cried. A lot. So much so that my false eyelashes came off during the service. I don’t wear them often at all so not surprising really.

Anyway, as the point of this blog was an excuse for me to share things that I make, here is a photo of a freshly-washed blanket I made a couple of years ago. I got the idea for it from a blog called Attic24 ( I basically used up lots of wool from my stash. I have been on a decluttering mission for what seems like forever and want to continue to craft without spending a penny.

The colours were just a random selection of yarn that I have had clogging up cupboards and boxes and drawers. I still have tonnes of yarn so I am making another blanket, but this time it is a giant granny square.

Crochet StripeBlanket

I have only been blogging for three days, and already my head is buzzing with all of the ideas I want to share and write about. It has also given me itchy fingers, all I can think about is what I am going to make next.

6 thoughts on “The Day After the Wedding”

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, you will meet some great folk out in cyber world. Your blanket is very pretty, such a good way to use up left overs! Look forward to seeing what else you are creating.

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    1. Thanks! It wasn’t my wedding unfortunately (I don’t think I will get married, at least not anytime soon). So no, didn’t make anything. But my Mum did the alterations on all the bridesmaid and flower girl dresses 😊

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